Initial ConsuLt              (90 minutes) 

This is the exciting part. Before your consult you will submit a detailed intake form and any previous test results you have. This saves us time and means we can get straight into the juicy stuff. 

During this consult I will ask lots of questions about your health history, presenting complaint and other areas of your life that will give me a holistic understanding of your current overall health. 

I will then use this information to design a thorough treatment plan which includes dietary and lifestyle recommendations and nutritional supplementation to reduce your current symptoms and support your body to achieve your health goals. We will also discuss functional testing options that will help to direct our ongoing treatment. 

After the consult you will be provided with a comprehensive treatment plan and email support. 

Follow up consult         (40-60 minutes) 

Follow up consults are the next layer to achieving your health goals. These consults are used to monitor your progress and refine and build on your treatment plan. We will review any testing results and discuss changes that you have noticed or anything new that has come up for you.  You will also be given the opportunity to ask any questions and be provided with a written summary of the session.